30 April, 2009

(insert witty title of your choice here)

hello there everyone....

had the most awesome chat last night with my longtime friend K.... I have forgotten how cool it is to have someone that you can just laugh with... she is one of the few people in this world who can laugh at strange, random things.... and by laugh i mean hysetrical, crowd-staring-at -the-weirdos laughing which I do way to little of... it was great. I dont think I laugh enough, not in the last year def, so having that chat reminded me of the type of person I actually am... I have got to laugh more.

I am planning to go visit K in September this year, so the Cape better watch out, I dont think it will ever, EVER be the same after us two crazy buggers have painted the town ever colour known to man, beast or insect... its going to be a legendary holiday...and I cannot wait....I am gonna come back with good memories, I know it....

It is funny how it is so easy to lose oneself in the chaos of life, I mean, I have really become aware of the fact that I have become a really grumpy person when I used to be much more lighthearted...I used to be the one always laughing... how I got to my current state of grumpiness...I am not sure...it just sort of happened... I think i really need to have a break from general life and just get back to how I used to be... A much less paranoid, much more smiley human being :)

So, I am resolute to make the change.... and I am excited about it...how well it goes...weeelllllll, thats another story all together... but time to get rid of the old and bring in the new (kicking and screaming)....

p.s. for k "coca cola"

29 April, 2009

its been a while...

well, after all the excitment of starting a blog, I got really busy, and I am afraid my blog suffered. Work is like that....times you are ready to end it all by throwing yourself off the nearest cliff and next thing youre so busy, you forget the cliff ever existed....weird...

well, updates... hmm.... well, had a really good weekend this past one... managed to redecorate my whole room...and even though it is still in the process of completion, the main bits are done... want to know what i did.... well, i am going to tell you even if you dont want to hear (hee hee....evilness of having a blog dedicated to the ramblings of oneself...lol). Ok, so I had a brainwave to paint stripes down my one wall, it looks awesome (very classy).. in a grey colour.. (according to the paint company the colour is castle stone)... the opposite wall was painted in solid grey, and I bought the MOST amazing light fixture ever known to man.... it was beautiful... I will add a pic...its really grainy though, it was taken with my cellphone, at 6 in the morning, when (now that it is winter) there is not enough sun to find your own bloody feet nevermind take pictures....

I still need to buy two bedside tables, and a big, ornate mirror for next to my bed and on the stripey wall respectively.... but these may take some time, I only want to buy exactly what I want.... gonna have to hit the antique shops cause there is nothing better than an antique... so lived in... love the history that they represent...
yay for having a cool room.... It makes you never want to leave it

18 April, 2009

Working on a saturday....

Hello out there!

Well, I am at work now (boo) while you guys are probably still tucked up in bed sleeping away dreaming of all the fun things you are going to do when you get up....youre so lucky. This said I am quite excited about this whole blog things and sharing my thoughts with the cyber universe, that I am actually....dare I say it.... happy about being at work....

Another reason for being happy I am at work is that I get a bit of time to be inside my own mind, often you just don't get the chance to be introspective, mind selfish, and have time to mill over things that are irritating you in the comfort of your own brain.... I am liking this today.

I am quite an intense person, I get angry quite quickly, although I take a long time to react, and I also get hurt so painfully easily that it is a detriment to my own psychological 'sanemindedness'. I hate that people can be nasty and it affects me so much... I wish I could be a little colder.


wow, aren't I being a sourpuss...two happy little blogs, and already I am getting all serious :) silly me.... I promise that I will embrace the weekend spirit and be a little happier... I mean there is always sat night, and sunday to ensure that I enjoy myself.... heres to the weekend getting better!

17 April, 2009

Day 2

Hello there world.... or the few aka no one reading my blog...lol
well, today is day 2 of my blogging experience, and I am still feeling pretty excited about it.

I must say that although it is Friday, I am not excited...I have to work tomorrow! totally sux... I mean a saturday is sacred and the claws of the great work monster should never intrude upon ones weekend time. It is not natural. My dad tells me that I should stop being a whinging little ninny because he works every saturday and that if anyone has the right to complain it is him... and although I will admit defeat insofar as his life sux more than mine... I still maintain that my situation is pretty grim.... :( Anyway, it does mean that I get to come in and surf the internet for endless hours, searching for novel and inventive ways to amuse myself while everyone else sleeps in, has a leisurly breakfast and watches the morning saturday lineup of repeated TV shows on DSTV....

I have a rather sad little titbit of info for everyone.... I have found myself entering the beginninings of a soapie addiction... and I am scared. I mean, soapies, are over dramatised sad attempts at recreating real-life that normally succeed in making it extremely obvious to the viewer that it resembles real-life as closely as a Paris H Reality series...and yet..it has the ability to make you want more, unable to remove your eyes from the TV for the half an hour that it is on, and then when it is finished you are left thinking "oh no, it can't be over, I have to know if Mr X will save his 99th one true love from the cluthches of the Scandinavian Trout farmers association who kidnapped her from her island summer house while she was mourning the loss of her father who turned out to be her uncles fathers 2nd cousin twice removed" and thats it...you are hooked, rushing home from work everyday to ensure you do not miss one second of the show.... However, this said, you can never admit to watching them (no one does) and when someone asks if you do, you have to reply "no man, I dont watch that sh*t... I get home and do 200 sit-ups and a cardio workout for an hour"... ja right... by the way, people who say that are addicts...

I personally was dragged into this soapie addiction by dear ol' mom... she has been a total addict for 30 years, and gets cranky if she misses even 3 minutes of 'her shows', in fact she will not even start cooking dinner until its over, or one of us has to prepare dinner. One day I sat down with her to watch the show, deciding that it was time for me to try spend 'quality time' with her... I first rolled my eyes at the prospect of being tortured for a hour of soapies, and could hear myself thinking ok... an hour of my life that i will never get back.... unfortunatly about 15 minutes in I started to become strangely intrigued and by the end on 30 minutes, I was convinced that my life would never be the same without my new fictional friends.... soapies are evil.

So for those you who have not succumbed to the perils of the plethora of soapies gracing our screens, I would remain that way if I was you.... however, for those of you under the spell of soapies.... I embrace you as by fellow brothers and sisters

and.... " I wonder if Mr X will save her....."

16 April, 2009

Let the fun begin....

well, hello there world....I have decided to join the world wide web and start a blog.... all my friends are doing it, so if theyre jumping in the fire...so am I.... I was considering trying to write something deeply profound for my beginning post... but bloody hell, profound at 13h00 on a week day is just s not easy.... way too many distractions including:

  • lunch
  • lunch, and
  • lunch..........

not that my lunch is that exciting.....So, my blog is just going to be a cathartic release of pent up up, anger, silliness and randomness that will make my life more interesting...plus, I get to publish my thoughts to a world of faceless, computerised people that have no option but to listen :) lol... who needs a shrink....

Hello world